Happy Birthday Aunty Lou :)

It is Louise Sibley's birthday today... AKA my Aunty Lou :)
As its her birthday i thought what better way to celebrate than dedicating today's blog all to her.
So I've decided to name a few reasons why I love my totally bonkers beautiful Aunty.

ROLE MODEL- There is a time when all of a sudden your childlike mind says... 'When I grow up, I'd like to a be a..'- a bit like on Stars in their Eyes, when the deranged singing wannabee says.. 'Tonight Matthew I'm going to be..!' But when everyone asked me, I didnt say I wanted to be a vet, or a lawyer or a trapeze artist in a circus; i just said I wanted to be like my Aunty Lou. When my mum and Louise were growing up, they used to play adoption. Wierd I know, but my family are a bit like that to be honest. But nonetheless, through a series of events, some sad and some just life; my Aunty Lou adopted two children. The first, a beautiful little girl from China- Lily, who remains my most special cousin and who will always be a flame in the darkness. The second, Tom who came from the UK. She also has two of her own children, Harry (the eldest) and Jesse. After fostering for many years, and then adopting, i grew up thinking Louise was a very caring and incredible individual and I hope one day, I too can follow her in her footsteps and make a difference to a child's life too. 

My Aunty Lou, Uncle Jon, Harry, Lily, Tom and Jesse on the day Jon became pastor

THE COOLEST PASTOR'S WIFE EVER- My Aunty Louise recently became a pastor's wife, after my Uncle Jon took over the role of pastor of Crossroads Christian Fellowship in Seaton. Before them, was my nan and grandad, so its always to me, been a family thing. People usually say there is a typical stereotype- dog collar, tea drinking and bible reading- but the church is so much more than that. She is bubbly, brings life to her messages and inspires everyone with her fun, bright, and VERY LOUD PERSONALITY. She is a very cool and very exciting pastor's wife and I am sure her and Jon will breath a new life into the church for future years.

AUTHOR- Louise has written a whole series of incredible books aimed at teenagers or anyone actually... under the pseudonym of Harriet Jacks. The first set of books I have finished- they are called Tribe and I can honestly say that they are action-packed, romantic, exciting, scary and the ultimate page turners. When Louise first told me she was writing books, I was like... 'Yeah right' and sort of sniggered at the idea... but I read one, and all of a sudden I was hooked. They are brilliant and I am now eagerly awaiting the next installments. You can purchase the books on Amazon, or visit the website for more info- http://www.harrietjacks.com/ ---I HIGHLY RECCOMEND THEM

The Spiller Women!!!!

SPILLER EXAGGERATIONS- The Spiller family (my mothers side of the family), particularly the women- my late great nan, my nan, my mother, and my aunty, and unfortunately me.. are all very similar. We like a good gasbag, we enjoy eating, drinking wine, and genuinely being loud and there are no airs and graces. We are known for doing the odd 'Spiller exaggeration' as we call it, especially my Aunty Lou- but I wouldn't have it any other way.

SHE IS MY FRIEND- I am close with all my family, but I really love spending time with my Aunty Lou. She used to put my hair in rags before christmas day so it would be curly, she helped me with my Textiles homework cause I took it for GCSE but i was crap, she has the same taste in books and chocolate, she was for a while my Zumba work out buddy (until we managed to get out of practice) and I can talk to her about anything. 

Happy Birthday Aunty Lou- I love you very much xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


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