How far would you go for the person you love?

I first apologise for my lack of blogging this weekend.. I had a real rare occasion where for one reason or another, I didn't have to work on Saturday or Sunday. Perfect with the lovely sunshine and a chance for me to unwind, a rarity in itself. 
So, I neglected my blogging, all computer activities and disconnected myself from work completely. I had a chance to do a spot of shopping yesterday and then celebrated a friends birthday with a mini house party and a trip to the pub (the first drinking session I have had in months!)
Unfortunately for me, my other half volunteered to play five-a-side football at a certain local football club, so spending the afternoon on my own perhaps wasnt a highlight, but nice nonetheless. I arrived a little early to pick him up so thought I would go and take a look. After five minutes of enjoying him looking rather dapper in a footy kit and running up and down the pitch, I was WELL AND TRUELY BORED and if I am honest, was starting to feel a bit stroppy.

 I can't understand why anyone would want to watch a bunch of pansies running around a field on a Sunday afternoon... so I ignored the heckling coming from the patio and the whirring foam rocket which was been thrown by some kids over my head time and time again and disappeared behind my book....

Leading me to today's blog: READING

I love to read, there is something completely entrancing for me to stick my head in a book and disappear into somebody else's world. I have a very vivid imagination and can think of nothing better than reading something and then forming an image in my head and creating my own version of that story.
I love getting sucked into the world of other people, fictional or non-fictional and just for those few moments in which you are turning those grainy printed pages in your hand, you can forget about your worries and your life, and think of someone else's.
I will read anything within reason and am open to all sorts of stories although, I CANNOT deal with anything too scary or supernatural. I said I have an imagination, and I can't think of anything worse than creating my own horror film in my own head just before I go to sleep.

Recently, I discovered a new favourite author in the form of JoJo Moyes. During one of my jobs, I was sent off to Honiton Library to take a snap of their World Book Night celebrations. The library were offering surprise reads by wrapping up books and handing them out for visitors to take away for free; all with the idea of encouraging people to read. Kindly, I was handed a little wrapped up bundle, and having not found a book I could get into for a while, thought I would give it a try.

Me Before You by Jojo Moyes follows the life of a very ordinary girl- Lou Clark who loses her one and only job in a teashop and is forced to find a new job. Her job hunting leads her to a life changing position, when she meets Will Traynor, a paraplegic who was sadly involved in a motorbike accident. Without trying to ruin the story, Will (who was once a good looking handsome young business man) can't go on as he is and has requested that he goes to 'DIGNITAS'- a place in Switzerland that gives accompanied suicide to those with an illness that can only lead to death or an unendurable illness or disability.
The chemistry between Will and Lou in this book is so ignited that I read the book in just a couple of days in between a busy work schedule- the sarcasm, the chemistry, the sexual tension that could never be fulfilled and the desperation, when against all odds Lou sets out to plan a calendar of events up until his date to Switzerland, to try and change his mind and help him to love life again.
The book is certainly worth a read- it may sound very sad, but in fact this book was the first that made me cry, but also the first to really get me laughing out loud and feeling like I knew the characters. I love books that completely suck me in, as if I have a right to know all the facts because I know the characters and scenario so well. It is written through the eyes of Lou, but also weaves the thoughts and feelings of the other characters in with sudden chapters and really was a remarkable story.

But it got me thinking. Would I be able to do the same- would I be able to change the viewpoint of somebody I love when they were in an impossible situation, or would I fail and not be enough for them to continue their lives, even if we are in love?
In the voice of Elton John-'Its a sad sad situation' and I HOPE AND PRAY that it will be one that nor me, nor anyone close to me would have to deal with.
But all I can say, is that if you can be yourself, and try every possible means and ways to convince that person otherwise, you are fulfilling your purpose.

Me Before You is an exceptional story, heartbreaking yet utterly uplifting and thought provoking in every way. I may not know the answer to my question above, but it has reminded me to count my blessings, be grateful for all those around me, and to cherish my time with those that I love.
A Cliché I know, but a message for all- live for today, because you never know what tomorrow will bring.


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