My name is Laura and I am a 21-year-old, 

‘country bumpkin’ ‘brainiac’ ‘people person.’

I need a place to store my ramblings.

Being a newspaper reporter for the local paper is one of the most full on, life-consuming, ‘busy bee’ jobs I think I will ever have, but I LOVE it.
I love the extreme characters and personalities, those who armed with placards campaign because they are so passionate about a green patch of land, that no way are their local council going to build on it; the charming individuals that wear a billion hats and take on a million roles all by themselves in a teeny village and the way everyone, no matter how young or old, pull together to get a job done.
I love the WI ladies who smile and bake up treats and make me feel like I have hundreds of nans all at once and I love the cheque presentations where even the smallest donation makes a world of difference. I love the councillors arguing over whether a bench should be on the left or right side of a pathway, the upperclass heckling during elections and the ribbon cutting speeches full of thanks.
I love the charities from the Cancer Research cooked breakfast mornings, to the Devon Air Ambulance hikes and bike rides, the hundreds of coffee mornings and table top sales and, the crazy athletic people that run marathons through uphill bogs, canoe from one side of the UK to another or jump out of planes just to support a worthy cause.
I even love the people who have so much time on their hands that they do the most pointless things just to prove a point,  continue on about the same thing over and over again and call up my office number just so I can be an agony aunt.
There is just something about local news, local people and local communities… a complex spider web of activity woven from the past and into the future. I enjoy playing a part and connecting that web all together; giving those a voice who would otherwise be taken for granted or fall into the shadows.

Having said all that. There is one tiny thing that I find difficult…
Writing news is all about fact, structure… short, concise and to the point.
The complete opposite of what I have just written.
So here it is.. my blog… A chance for me to have MY say and let MY personality and ideas appear in written form on absolutely everything and anything.


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